Archive for April 2013
- Explain Array with characteristics,operations and advantages.
- Write a program to search an element from array and display its position.
- Write a program to merge two array into third array.
- Write a program to insert an element into array.
- Write a program to delete an element from array.
- Write a program to sort an array element in ascending or descending order.
- Write a program to add two 3X3 matrix into third 3X3 matrix.
- Write a program to perform multiplication operation between two 3X3 matrix.
- Explain string handling function with example.
- Explain pointer with advantages.
- Explain declaration and initialization of pointer with example.
- Write a program to find the length of string using pointer.
- Write a program to check both the strings are equal or not.
- Explain User defined function with example.
- Explain call by value and call by reference with example. OR Give the difference between call by value and call by reference.
- Write a program to find the maximum number using user define function.
- Explain Recursion with advantage, disadvantage and proper example.
- Write a program to find the factorial of given number using recursion.
- Explain structure in detail with example.
- Create a structure "Book" which contains the information like book_name, author_name, and price. Write a program to insert the information of book and display it.
- Create a structure "Employee" which contains the information like emp_id, emp_name, dept, and salary. Write a program to insert the information of 3 employee and display it using array of structure.
- Write a program using pointer to structure.
- Explain Union with example.
- Give the difference between structure and union.
- What is data file? How to open a data file? How to close a data file?
- Explain file opening modes with example.
- Explain following function with example.fopen( ), fclose( ), fprintf( ), fscanf( ), getc( ), putc( ) , getw( ), putw( ), fseek( ), ftell( ), rewind( ).
- Write a program to write a data into data file and read a data file.
- Explain Command line argument with example.
- Write a program to find the sum or argument using command line argument.